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This assignment should be completed *almost* daily. You should have 20 submissions in total. Use this to fuel your creative fire.

The Daily Create


To get your creative juices flowing,  complete a daily creative challenge.

These can be found at The Daily Create.


Go to the site and read the day's daily create assignment. Complete the assignment. *Optional: Share your work with the Daily Create community by following the upload instructions from The Daily Create website.


Guideline from The Daily Create - use these to guide your daily creative projects:

"We encourage you to challenge yourself to create something new each day instead of using older photos or videos. But there are not rules- if you re-use media, think how you can make it new by re-editing them.

The assignments are designed to be quick to do and should not need any or much post-editing. Consider trying several different approaches to each assignments. Often your first instinct might not always be your best work.

Experimentation is key, and as always, the one hard and fast rule is MAKE ART DAMMIT!"

The Daily Create

*Assessment: Upload your Daily Create assignments (20 in total) to your personal assignment Google Doc (see Assignments page for more details). Once you have received feedback and you are satisfied with your work, post Your Daily Create assignment to your Daily Create page on your personal ePortfolio site. Your peers will provide positive feedback to your posts. 

Assignment: The Daily Create

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